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General Instructions to Trainee

General Instructions to Trainee

General Instructions to Trainee is an important part of “Participant Handbook” of Auto Service Technician. This is an integral part of the training. If you want to become a good auto service technician, you must keep those instructions in mind and follow them accordingly. Therefore all trainees are requested to memorize the below instructions carefully and follow them methodically during training.

General Instructions to Trainee

1. Greet your instructor and the other participants when you enter the class.

2. Always be punctual for every class.

3. Be regular. Candidates who fall short of the required attendance will not be certified.

4. Inform your instructor if, for any reason, you need to miss class.

5. Pay attention to what your instructor is saying or showing.

6. If you do not understand something, put up your hand and seek clarification.

7. Make sure you do all the exercises at the end of each module in this book. It will help you understand the concepts better.

8. Practise any new skills you have learnt as many times as possible. Seek the help of your Trainer or co-participant for practice.

9. Take all necessary precautions, as instructed by your Trainer, while working with electricity and with tools.

10. Make sure you are neatly attired and presentable at all times.

11. Participate actively in all the activities, discussions and games during training.

12. Always take bath, wear clean clothes and comb your hair before you come to class.

13. The three most important words you must always remember and use in your daily conversation are PLEASE, THANK YOU and SORRY.

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